| 1. | Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging system 核磁共振成像系统
| 2. | Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to combinatorial chemistry 在组合化学中的应用
| 3. | Determination of oil content in oilseeds by nuclear magnetic resonance method 油籽含油量核磁共振测定法
| 4. | Nuclear magnetic resonance magnetometer 核磁共振磁强计
| 5. | Application of 29si nuclear magnetic resonance in research of cement chemistry 固体核磁共振技术在水泥化学研究中的应用
| 6. | The application of nuclear magnetic resonance to direct water exporation is a new technique 摘要利用核磁共振技术直接找水是一种新方法。
| 7. | Application of imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance to assessment of fractured reservoirs in chengbei 核磁共振测井在埕北裂缝性储层评价中的应用
| 8. | Nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) is a powerful and sophisticated technique with wide range of application 摘要核磁共振是一个已经被广泛应用的重要精密技术。
| 9. | Nmr modified starch - determination of hydroxypropyl content - method using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 改良淀粉.羟丙基含量的测定.质子核磁共振
| 10. | Animal and vegetable fats and oils . determination of solid fat content . pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance method 动植物脂肪和油.固态脂肪含量的测定.脉冲核磁共振法